Politics and international relations resources - December 2021

It's been a while since I've made a list of politics and international relations resources I'm following so without further ado here is it:

  1. Euractiv - Euractiv is a media platform that covers European news and policy debates. The site offers news and analysis on topics such as EU policies, European politics, and international relations. Euractiv also publishes a weekly newsletter and offers a range of events on European affairs.
  2. European Council on Foreign Relations - The European Council on Foreign Relations is a think tank that conducts research and analysis on European foreign policy. The site includes reports, articles, and analysis on issues such as transatlantic relations, Russia, and the Middle East.
  3. European Union Institute for Security Studies - The European Union Institute for Security Studies is a research institute that focuses on security and defense issues in Europe. The site includes research papers, reports, and analysis on topics such as cybersecurity, terrorism, and EU defense policy.
  4. European Policy Centre - The European Policy Centre is a think tank that focuses on EU policy issues. The site includes research papers, articles, and analysis on topics such as energy, migration, and the EU budget.
  5. European Institute of Public Administration - The European Institute of Public Administration is a research and training institute that focuses on EU governance issues. The site includes research papers, reports, and training programs on topics such as EU decision-making, public administration, and EU law.
  6. Bruegel - Bruegel is a think tank that focuses on economic policy in Europe. Their website includes research papers, blogs, and events on topics such as the EU's economic recovery, the eurozone crisis, and EU trade policy.
